
Hi there! I'm Mari.



active learner, product enthusiast, systems-thinker


Hi there! I’m a product designer from the Bay Area with experience designing cool experiences for native mobile apps.

I design for a purpose, and enjoy designing for systems and products that use design to further ideals promoting sustainability, cognizance, and accessibility. I love all forms of creation, but have been loving the processes surrounding product design, engineering design, and concept creation. I’m also an avid comp auditor and strategic communicator, and enjoy optimizing for accessibility and intuition in my designs!

When I'm not working, I'm probably reading a book or going on a hike! Also, I’m obsessed with green tea and peanut butter.

Get in touch if it makes sense to you :)


Overall, I am an interdisciplinary creative who maximizes the productivity of tasks, learns about all things fascinating, and designs for a more cognizant and sustainable future.


Why design?

I fell in love with design when I participated in my first case study and saw how different people found a connection in my interpretation of the world and solution I created. I learned to trust my eyes and use my skills to further communicate my intentions when creating impactful designs, from individual to systematic. This development has allowed me to grow into design and enhance conceptual ideas to turn them into something useful!


In other words…

  • Driven by data-derived design decisions

  • Optimizes for accessibility and intuitiveness

  • Maximizes exploration and research at every stage

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